Don’t Haggle With Self-Employed People

Human nature is a strange thing. We live in this capitalist reality, where people buy things they don’t need in bulk just because it’s cheaper and pay huge corporations for services that don’t require much effort from said corporations. Yet when it comes to paying a self-employed professional, these same people try and knock the price down, truly believing they deserve to pay less than everyone else. I see this as a self-employed yoga teacher, but it’s all around us – people trying to entice artists with “exposure”, and get their photographer friends to shoot their weddings for free.

Continue reading “Don’t Haggle With Self-Employed People”

Short Break in North Wales

The weather promised to be lovely, the guidebooks were tired of sitting in the corner and so we took an opportunity to get away for a few days. North Wales has become our favourite destination in the last few months – it’s seemingly close, yet has a completely different dynamic, allowing us to rest from things we deal with on a daily basis. Continue reading “Short Break in North Wales”

Anna’s Inversions Workshop

I am still buzzing as I type this – it’s the first workshop I attended since starting Bend and Ascend, and it exceeded all my expectations. The workshop took three hours and if I manage to retain half the information I learned today, my practice will improve dramatically. Inversion workshops don’t ever promise you’d be able to do a handstand by the end of the session, but they give you all the tools you’ll need to achieve it if you keep working on it. Continue reading “Anna’s Inversions Workshop”